Dr. Xi Li, London School of Economics, joined us on 2 June 2021 to discuss her prize-winning paper on coordinated engagements 'Responsible investing: shareholder engagements on ESG'.

Her talk covered how institutional shareholders can use their power to influence corporate behaviour through direct engagement with investee companies. Dr. Li and her co-authors study the tactics and outcomes of shareholder engagement on environmental and social (E&S) issues. They find that collaboration between shareholders substantially improves the effectiveness of E&S engagements and target performance. Analysing a large sample of global shareholder engagements, coordinated by a prominent international network of long-term shareholders,  they find that a two-tier engagement strategy is effective in influencing and improving target firms performance.


Dr. Xi Li

Dr. Xi Li is currently Associate Professor of Accounting at the London School of Economics and a research fellow at Cambridge Judge Business School. She earned her PhD in accounting from the London Business School. Dr. Li studies financial reporting and disclosure, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and shareholder engagements with a focus on international capital markets. Her studies have been published in leading academic journals in the field of accounting and finance. Her research papers have won many awards, including First Prize in Brandes Institute Research Paper Contest, the International Centre for Pension Management (ICPM) Research Award, the Moskowitz Prize for Socially Responsible Investing, and the FIR-PRI Award for Best Published Research Article. Her research findings have been cited by popular media and regulatory.

You can watch the webinar recording and download the slide deck below.
