INQUIRE is delighted to announce the appointment of two new directors.


Robert Macrae and Marlies van Boven, both council members, have now been appointed as directors of INQUIRE UK. Robert Macrae from the Systemic Risk Centre at LSE has been working on INQUIRE's research agenda. Marlies van Boven, from FTSE Russell has been helping to run the business school seminars. More recently both Robert and Marlies have been organisers of INQUIRE’s new webinar series.


INQUIRE is also delighted to welcome Ryoko Ito onto its Council. Ryoko works in equities quantitative execution research at Goldman Sachs.  


INQUIRE extends its heartfelt thanks to Stuart Doole for his work with the organisation. Stuart, who has been an INQUIRE director for more than seven years, resigned as a director and council member on 22 May 2020.


We wish them all well.




View INQUIRE's full council and management structure.